SWITZERLAND: Photographer Marie Formica aka MATA HARIE – Intimacy, Soul Food and Touching Hands – Lausanne

The great photographs of MARIE FORMICA aka MATA HARIE are breathtakingly honest, they fascinate with their intimate moments that we all know but can never see ourselves like this. The creative artist from the Swiss city Lausanne at the Lake Geneva photographed these people in their most human moments, sometimes laughing, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, or just pensively daydreaming. As well she has a special fable for hands, their structures and anatomical conditions. In an intersting interview she tells us about her photography art and creative doings.


GERMANY: Fantastic Snow Art and upcoming exhibition “Liberation” by AUTARK – Berlin

These grandiose works of art were created by the Berlin artist AUTARK on the rear parking deck of the Deutsche Oper on the corner of Krumme Street and Zille Street. AUTARK made the beautiful creations by snow forming and shoveling on different days in January 2022. If you are in Berlin, don’t miss his upcoming great exhibition “Liberation” from April 1st till April 3rd 2022 at Knesebecker Street 10 with heaps of awesome new artworks.


ARGENTINA: Streetart San Nicolás de los Arroyos – Urban Art at the Rio Paraná – Gran Buenos Aires Province

San Nicolás de los Arroyos is a city on the Rio Paraná in the northeast of the greater Buenos Aires province close to Rosario. The well known port and industrial town was founded on 14th April 1748 by Rafael de Aguiar and has meanwhile around 133,000 inhabitants. The cathedral dedicated to St. Nicholas of Bari and the surrounding Pampa Ondulada are famous places of pilgrimage and popular for hiking. Of course there is also beautiful urban art and graffiti in the streets, you can even find awesome large murals on skyscrapers.


ITALY: Art Project Turin – “Spazio Portici – Creative Paths” – Open Call till 4th April for 2022 Edition

“Spazio Portici – Creative Paths” is a project of the City of Turin, Creative Turin and the Contrada Torino Onlus Foundation. The goal is to open spaces for artistic expression under the arcades of the city, focusing attention on the enhancement of creativity with a particular focus on youth. Along the 12 kilometers of arcades will develop over time installations, exhibitions, temporary exhibitions, artistic happenings in order to create a traveling visual path that will help give new life to the arches and to value creativity. Check out the great creations from the first 36 artists. Till 4th April there is as well an Open Call for the 2022 edition.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – EQUAL JAM – More than 85 artists painted at North Side Gallery

On March 8th, the International Women’s Day, the great EQUAL JAM 2022 took place on the walls of the North Side Gallery. Over 85 local urban artists painted, pinned, glued and sprayed on the subject of equality and designed a huge and unique open-air gallery for Berlin. As well the new paste up art wall got inaugurated with numerous fantastic artworks. Check out the huge archive with the awesome creations from the event.


CHILE: Writer SNIP – Pampa Graffiti and Chilean Hip Hop Style – “Remember where you come from”

Graffiti artist SNIP sprays great artworks on Chilean streets, his pieces can be found around Ovalle, Antofagaste, La Serena or Tocopilla and many other places. He is currently based in Angol and is active there in the urban scene. In an interview with photographer Salvador Seda the sprayer tells us about his creative world, his artistic development and the fabulous HMS aka HOMIES crew.


ARGENTINA: Travelling Painter MURDOCK ALLEN – Abstract Creations and Art Connector – Buenos Aires

Creative and passionate, Buenos Aires-based artist Murdock Allen is what you might call a traveling artist. He has already traveled the whole world and painted his works in the most unusual places in front of the viewer’s eyes. The art is always there. Murdock is concerned with bringing creativity directly to the people and also involving them. His paintings are fantastic and show utopian worlds of tomorrow in an abstract, infantile and comic-like style.


GERMANY: Photographer Pierre Zornik – Project Photogenic and PicZor Platform

Today we introduce you to a great photographer from Heilbronn in Germany, who is also a member of the Vagbundler network and has already made a lot of interesting contributions to our archive. Pierre Zornik has been a passionate photographer for many years, and some time ago he set up his own creative photography label called PicZor. Check out the interview we did with the creative artist.


ITALY: Streetart Turin – Museo Egizio – 60 Graphic Days Artists at the Exhibition ABRACADABRA

A “green magic” project conceived and promoted by Graphic Days® with the aim of donating new trees to the Turin area. 60 illustrators, Italian and foreign, have joined “Abracadabra” by offering their works. You can buy your illustration, or make a donation: the proceeds will be donated to the “Give a tree” initiative of the City of Turin. Therefore the great artworks were presented from September 2021 till January 2022 at the Museo Egizio.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Collection Ukraine – Stop the War in Ukraine! – Stop Wars!

The current war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine, which started on 24th of February 2022, is a disastrous catastrophe and shocks the whole world. Every day we receive news about the terrible events, about the fighting of the troops, the destruction and above all the suffering and fear of the population. Several urban artists in Berlin have expressed their absolute rejection of the cruel actions, their concerns and their big protest against this war in meaningful works of art. It also strongly shows a sign of solidarity to Ukraine at this difficult times. Stop this war and stop all wars in general!