SERBIA: Streetart Belgrade – Dorćol – Višnjićeva 10A – Neighbourhood Masterpiece Gallery

At the building at Višnjićeva 10 there is a small concrete forecourt with a few benches. Overall, everything is paved over. That’s why a few artists thought about freshening up the color of this square and the surrounding walls in 2018. They painted great works on the facades, also these in turn have special meanings and a relationship to the neighborhood or to local people and locations like the graffiti shop BEO WALLZ.


SERBIA: Urban Art Belgrade – Slanački Put 26 – Ciglana Klub Ljubitelja – Dev9t Festival

The fantastic “Festival Devet” or “Dev9t” which means in English “Festival Nine” is held every year in Belgrade in an abandoned space of the industry quarter Stara Ciglana. This awesome event started in 2014 and shows regularly great participating artists from Serbia and the whole world. Included are many different types of art like music, performance, lectures and of course the colors on the walls.