IRELAND: Streetart Dublin – Richmond Spray Space – Graffiti Paradise in Portobello

The area around Richmond Street is just a colorful art paradise. At least it once was on a much larger scale. Many buildings have since been demolished and some of the graffiti spots unfortunately no longer exist. But several wall parts are still active and great artworks continously get created here, also in our archive you can marvel at the previous area parts and the works, even if they are gone. It is basically a narrow side street, but this longer alley is filled over and over with graffiti and is one of the hot spots in town.


IRELAND: Streetart Dublin – Liberty Lane – Spray Wonderland – Artist Open Air Gallery

In terms of infrastructure, Liberty Lane is actually just a small side street behind the houses on the main street. A small hidden alley. From an artistic perspective, however, it is simply one of the city’s main spots, full of color from top to bottom and littered with grandiose works of art. From big to small! The artworks change here continuously, after a week it can look completely different again. It’s just a fantastic little hidden open air gallery.


IRELAND: Urban Art Dublin – Icon Factory Exhibition – DURTY DUBLIN – From the streets To between the sheets

The exhibition DURTY DUBLIN with the subtitle „From the streets To between the sheets“ started on September 22nd 2023 and since then shows great works of awesome artists. Both, in the gallery ICON FACTORY and great graffiti and streetart made during live painting sessions on the outside facades. Inside you can find paraphernalia artworks, bric-a-brac, slap tags and stickers from around the world, paste-ups, spray-painted art pieces, black book sketches, photographs and amazing ink drawings.