Today we introduce you to a great photographer from Heilbronn in Germany, who is also a member of the Vagbundler network and has already made a lot of interesting contributions to our archive. Pierre Zornik has been a passionate photographer for many years, and some time ago he set up his own creative photography label called PicZor.
Pierre prefers interesting shapes in urban areas or in nature, as well there is a fable for faces and human portraits. He just has a certain eye for it and finds the interesting perspectives. Above all, the enthusiast photographer is interested in discovering the different views of the world. With this curiosity and interested cosmopolitanism he explores the globe. Some of his fantastic findings and photo shooting you can see on the PicZor website.
At home near the Southern German city of Heilbronn, Pierre Zornik aka PicZor offers his skills and abilities as a freelance photographer. You can book him for events and special occasions. It’s good to be able to earn money with the creativity you like to do, but the real passion remains for Pierre in the discovery itself and the exploring of new places. Here is an interesting interview with PicZor about photography, traveling and skill development.
How long have you been taking photos? Tell us a little bit about how you started with it and how long you’ve been doing it.
I started photography around twelve years ago. My first camera was the Nikon D5100. In the beginning I always had the camera with me wherever I went. I just liked to photograph people and the world. I didn’t have such a real role model back then when it came to photography. I just wanted a device with which I could document my travels and experiences. The pictures were then first printed out until I just sorted them on a hard drive. Today I am taking photos with a Sony Aplha 7 II.
What do you like about photography? There are so many hobbies and passions that you enjoy doing, but you chose photography in the front. Describe us a little why?
What do I like about photography? Yes there is a lot that I like about it. It’s a lot of fun to travel the world and capture the moments with the camera. At the same time, you don’t just watch the usual travel spots like most, you go into more detail about the city. If a person who doesn’t take photographs, is visiting a city center, he needs about three to four hours to get around. If I visit a city center with my camera, I need maybe even twelve hours if it’s going well. Every corner of the city is looked at, pictures are taken, we check if we can get the pictures even better from another perspective, and all that. I can switch off my head with photography and concentrate totally on the perfect picture. You get creative, sentimental and you are just overjoyed. The great thing about photography is seeing the city from a different angle. Everyone knows Vienna, for example. It’s great to show people pictures of Vienna that they have never seen before, even though they live in Vienna. It is also a lot of fun to get to know new people or to work with new people.
Many of your subjects are buildings and nature scenes that you see while traveling. On your channels you will find interesting photos on the subject of architecture, but also photos of a remote beach or an idyllic mountain. Tell us more about these motifs and what you like about photographing them.
In the beginning I photographed almost everything that came in front of my lens. Nowadays it’s no longer like that. I am now much more concerned about what and how I am photographing it. Mainly it’s the architecture and the people. When it comes to architecture, I always pay attention to symmetry, it’s just a comforting feeling when everything fits and the picture is perfect in the end. There is always a focus on the main feature. That’s how I do it in landscape photography. If you put something in focus in the landscape, the picture looks soft differently.
Another interesting area are the photographs in the form of creative portraits. You have interesting close-ups of people on your channel and thus bring certain styles of people to the lens. Tell us more about this choice of motifs.
At portraits, I just enjoy photographing people as they are. I show people a different side of them with my photography.
We have addressed two areas, that is, landscape and people. Tell us about the difference between „photographing a landscape“ or „taking a close-up of a person“. You have to proceed very differently here and work differently with the camera.
There are of course differences in landscape and portrait photography. For my part, when it comes to camera settings, I find portrait photography more pleasant than landscape photography. Why? Because in landscape photography you have much more influence from the natural environment. You have to pay attention to every tiny detail. Lighting conditions, betting conditions, I have to check, what exactly do I want to photograph now and much more. In portrait photography I know what my focus is. People are usually always the same, so you can often rely on the same attitudes. But in general photography is a part in itself.
What equipment are you currently using and with which cameras have you already had experience? What can you recommend and which devices or additional parts do you use for which occasions?
I am currently taking photos with a Sony Alpha 7 II. I started with a Niko D5100. My favorite is the Sony Alpha 7. A precise recommendation is difficult with photography, it always depends on the type of photography you are using now. This mostly applies to the lens. In the beginning you don’t need to have the most expensive equipment, you should first find your way around and get to know exactly in which direction you want to go with photography. From then on, the equipment kind of builds up on its own.
You now also offer event photography. That means you can be booked for weddings, birthdays or other celebrations and you then take pictures?
Yes, you can now book me for certain events. The main areas are in wedding photography and birthdays or similar events. I discuss more precise and individual details with the customer when contacting them, since every event is different and the photography for it is also different. Above all, it depends on what the customers want to have photographed. Accordingly, I put my perspective and lens on it.
Which places would you like to travel to with your camera? In other words, places where you wouldn’t be able to get out of snapping. Name a few of them and explain why you would like to go there.
There are no exact locations because each location has something special about it. I would love to be able to travel again and again, discovering and photographing new interesting things every time. Travel where you visit different places and not just in one place. Interesting places for me are America, Mexico, New Zealand, Antarctica or Shanghai. Just to name some. But there would be a lot more. All in one piece would be like a trip around the world. The places that I then like on the trip, where I stay for a while. Until I move on. On a trip like this you experience an incredible amount and you learn a lot about yourself. You are never in the same place for a long time, but always with yourself. Discovering new worlds in this way is very interesting and incredible for me Feeling.
And now only in relation to street art and graffiti. So if you could choose any place in the world to photograph urban art, where would you go?
Definitely New York. New York is an incredibly large and diverse city, where you can find everything. Mexico City is also worth a visit and there is some very interesting urban art to be found there. It is unbelievable how many interesting sides this city has and for a photographer it is a true paradise. But when it comes to graffiti, definitely New York. I would never stop taking photos there. But also because of the people, the buildings and the city itself
You did an interesting bivouac tour and climbed a mountain on your own. It was certainly a challenge physically, but also mentally. There is already a nice contribution from you on the website, but tell us a few more sentences about it. How was that?
It’s amazing what a spontaneous idea can become. To have such an experience with ups and downs is simply outstanding. This feeling that you have during the ascent, the night and the descent cannot be described. At first it was of course exhausting and a lot of work. But the memories and knowing that you made this journey all by yourself motivates you to do more. I will definitely repeat such a trip. And I can also recommend others to do such things. It doesn’t have to be a mountain right away. But a bike ride or a hike. And the mountain I chose isn’t in the Himalayas either. You can choose something small, but with a claim. Combined with experiencing nature at the highest level, it was just a wonderful experience. Venture out into the wilderness yourself. There is a lot to discover and you also discover a lot about yourself.
How is the pandemic affecting you as a photographer? Before, you could travel to different places and take interesting photos. A lot of things just don’t work anymore. How do you deal with it and where do you take photos now?
The pandemic makes it difficult to travel and take photos at certain events. Despite all this, it is not impossible. You don’t have to travel for photography, you basically just have to open your eyes and explore your area. It’s amazing what you can find just in your own environment if you just look closely. In addition, I simply continued to deal with the subject of photography during this Corona period.
I redesigned my website and continued my education in the field of art and photography. Thanks to my employer, I was also lucky enough to be able to travel and work in other countries, despite the difficult circumstances. Especially in Mexico I made good memories several times and many interesting photo works were created. Keep on doing, stay creative and always try to look out of the box. Try to take different perspectives than the ones you were taught. There is a lot to discover if you take your time and look closely. Or just from an angle you haven’t used before. Try it.


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