CHILE: Streetart Santiago – Barrio Dieciocho – UTEM Art Space – Metropolitan Technological University

The Metropolitan Technological University (UTEM) is a higher education institution founded in 1993. At the time these photographs were taken some courses such as design and art were taught at this study headquarters, which is why the entire building was covered in streetart. Today it houses the university’s administrative units and, therefore, graffiti, stencils and tags are no longer seen on its walls. Still you can admire those great artworks in our archive!



CHILE: Streetart Santiago – Barrio Bellavista – Bombero Nuñez 274 – Fantastic Galería BOMB

The Galería BOMB was a place that sought to publicize streetart and its artists who remain outside traditional spaces but are present throughout the city of Santiago de Chile. Unfortunately it only existed from 2009 till 2010, but great works have been created and shown during that short period. The idea of the gallery was to have a space similar to a piece of street rather than a traditional gallery. That’s why a lot of creations were not only done on the façades around, but also inside.


CHILE: Fantastic Artist GUZTOK – Creative Graffiti, Abstract Characters and Tattooism

The great artist GUZTOK was born and raised near Villa Francia in Estación Central, which is part of the region around Santiago de Chile. Since he was a child, GUZTOK was drawn to the political murals and graffiti near his house. He started spraying himself, first letters, later on also with figurative styles and characters. Today he lives in the German capital Berlin and creates fantastic urban artworks and cool tattoos. Check out the interview!


CHILE: Streetart Santiago – Barrio Lastarria – GAM Complex – Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral

The UNCTAD III complex, including the 23 story tower, was built to host the UN conference on trade and development, held in April 1972 in Santiago, Chile. Once the conference was over, the architectural complex was used, as it was originally conceived, as a cultural center open to the people and called „Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral“ or in short GAM. Around the building complex are great urban artworks, check out the gallery!


CHILE: Streetart Santiago – San Miguel – Museo a Cielo Abierto – Open Sky Museum – Murales Gallery

The great mural project MUSEO A CIELO ABIERTO in San Miguel, a suburb city in the Santiago greater province Región Metropolitana, was born in March 2009. Today this open sky museum project has become the largest collective expression of streetart in Chile with meanwhile 64 fantastic huge artworks on more than 6000 m² in one neighborhood. During the years numerous national and international artists contributed and intermingled their techniques of muralism and graffiti on high scale building walls with amazing creations.