FRANCE: Streetart Paris – Spot 13 – International Jam – 400 Writers from 17 Countries

On November 2nd in 2024 the great INTERNATIONAL JAM took place at the graffiti oasis and hall of fame SPOT 13, with almost 400 writers from 17 countries and 47 cities transforming the area under the spray theme „Silver Chrome“. The fantastic super event was organized by KRACO, ZOYER and KOMO. Check out the numerous pieces from this fantastic event!



FRANCE: Streetart Paris – Gobelins – Spot 13 – Quai d’Ivry Hall of Fame – Graffiti Paradise

The SPOT 13 is undoubtedly the biggest graffiti and streetart oasis in Paris, a complex of bridge piers and numerous large-format walls that are regularly covered with countless pieces, from large murals, cool graffiti and photorealistic streetart to small stencils or paste-ups. According to its name, the creative space is located in the 13th arrondissement, or Gobelins district, between Quai d’Ivry and Rue Bruneseau along and under the highway E15 aka Boulevard Périphérique. Check out the huge artworks gallery!


FRANCE: Paris – Exquisit Oldtimer Car Parade

Old times, old captures, old cameras. During a visit of the beautiful capital of France we encountered a kind of open car fair or a meeting of exquisit car and oldtimer passionates. They gathered with their automobiles at the Carrousel du Louvre, that´s the park complex in front of the famous museum where you can admire the Mona Lisa of Leonardo da Vinci.