GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Moabit – Concept Wall – 21er GALLERY – THE BRANDMAUER

On February 23th in 2025, federal elections will be held in Germany at a time when the shift to the right is on the rise again in the country and around the world. Due to these events the three artists TOMSTA, JAZZ and SHAW organized a great spray action on the concept wall of the 21ER GALLERY the days before to make a statement against right-wing attitudes, discrimination and racism. 15 artists took part in this creative campaign and painted fantastic works under the motto „THE BRANDMAUER“ to show that our society is colorful and open. If you are from Germany, go vote on February 23th 2025!


GERMANY: Artist Special – DAVE THE CHIMP – Human Beans are saving the day

You simply have to love them – the „Human Beans“ in RAL 2000 color by the British and currently in Hamburg living artist DAVE THE CHIMP. Cheeky, funny, intelligent, effectively reduced to a maximum, with the highest recognition value. An ingenious „trademark“ that always makes you smile, amuses you uninhibitedly, but also makes you think, makes you reflect. Whenever I discover his works in hidden corners of cities, my day is saved. Check out the collection with numerous artworks from Hamburg and Berlin.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Urban Canvas Parkhaus Wedding – LIEBE ZUR KUNST & CULTERIM GALLERY

In summer 2024, the „Urban Canvas Parkhaus Wedding“ project was launched in the huge shopping building and parking garage at Brunnenstraße 106. The parking decks provide a large number of free facade surfaces and EMILY STRANGE has opened another LIEBE ZUR KUNST concept here in collaboration with the CULTERIM GALLERY, who provide the walls and are reducing vacancies in making spaces available for arts and culture. Great works by various local and international artists are already finished and new works are going to come every four weeks.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Urban Nation Museum – Bülow Street Festival – Love Letters to the City

From September 13th to September 15th in 2024, the great BÜLOW STREET FESTIVAL took place along Bülowstrasse and around the URBAN NATION headquarters and museum. The entire façade was redesigned with fresh colors by the New York artist LADY PINK, and guests could also admire a colorful and extensive exhibition with “floating murals” on temporarily installed walls. An extensive and diverse program was offered over three days with creative participation activities, music on stage and culinary delicacies at food stalls. Check out the huge gallery with numerous event artworks!


CHILE: Fantastic Artist GUZTOK – Creative Graffiti, Abstract Characters and Tattooism

The great artist GUZTOK was born and raised near Villa Francia in Estación Central, which is part of the region around Santiago de Chile. Since he was a child, GUZTOK was drawn to the political murals and graffiti near his house. He started spraying himself, first letters, later on also with figurative styles and characters. Today he lives in the German capital Berlin and creates fantastic urban artworks and cool tattoos. Check out the interview!


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Reinickendorf – Old Monopol Distillery – Creative Space Conversion

A former distillery in the Berlin district Reinickendorf is turning into a campus for arts, culture, food, technology and sustainability. The site of the disused Monopol factory is being converted into a cultural venue and various creative companies and artists have now settled there in order to develop a creative location. On the buildings and the site is a large number of artworks and for sure more are going to come. Also several exhibitions and jams already took place like the event „Al Aire, Libres!“


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Marzahn – Märkische Allee 181 – Graffiti Wall at the Fire Department

After a long process, the GRAFFITI LOBBY BERLIN and the youth culture center DIE KLINKE were able to inaugurate a new Hall of Fame in Berlin’s Marzahn district in May 2021. The outer wall of the local fire station department was cleared for artistic designs and has been a legal hall ever since. The wall surface is around 4 meters high and around 30 meters long, ideal for graffiti jams and fantastic concept walls, which are created there again and again. The works in this creative space are usually masterpiece quality and well worth a visit.



GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Moabit – 21er GALLERY – ANTI RACISM JAM 2024

In March it was time again for the annual ANTI RACISM JAM in Moabit at the spraygrounds of the 21ER GALLERY with around 40 creators. Every year the popular jam brings top-class artists to the walls with fantastic concept collaborations to make a colorful statement against racism and discrimination. The event on 22nd and 23rd March 2024 was organized by TOMSTA and KARAME21 with the support of CAPTAIN PAINT and the 21ER GALLERY.



GERMANY: Exhibition Berlin – Skateboard Museum, FKKB & Hotel Berlin – WALLRIDE & OUT OF THE BOX

Berlin is well known for its skateboard scene and is also home to the artist and skateboarder CHRISTIAN ROTHENHAGEN aka DEER BLN and the artist PISA 73 – the initiators of the ‘SISSI‘ skateboard club. In cooperation with the curator JÜRGEN BLÜMLEIN from the SKATEBOARD MUSEUM and the FKKB they curated the exhibitions OUT OF THE BOX and WALLRIDE at the Hotel Berlin from 18th April till 17th May with a huge variety of colorfully designed skateboards and a historical photo show.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Wedding – Legendary Graffiti Wall at Napoleonkai and Allée du Stade

For many years, there existed a popular, but unofficial graffiti hotspot in the Wedding district of Berlin. Along the Napolenkai and on the Allée du Stade was the former gravel and rubble dumping ground, which was surrounded by a wall of concrete blocks. Perfect surface for spray can art. In February 2023, the soil sealing and walls were removed and unfortunately this graffiti spot no longer exists anymore. But in our archive you can still admire numerous photos!