AUSTRALIA: Streetart Melbourne – Urban Art Collection – District & Suburb Galleries

Melbourne was founded in 1835, is located on the southeast coast of Australia and inherits with 5.2 million inhabitants the capital of the Australian state of Victoria. Worth visiting are the Federation Square complex with cafés, bars and restaurants, the Yarra River and its promenades, the Arts Center or the National Gallery. Of course the streets are filled with creations, here we have a collection of urban art sorted by individual neighborhoods inside Melbourne and its special hot spots, as well to the suburbs around the city.


NEW ZEALAND: Streetart Whangārei – Street Prints Manaia Festival – Tuia te muka Tāngata

Whangārei is a city on the North Island of New Zealand, the Northland or Te Ika-a-Māui in the original language. The city has around 45.000 inhabitants and is the administrative headquarters of the district. You can find fantastic artworks in the urban space and especially in January 2019 some of the world’s best urban artists took part in the international art festival Street Prints Manaia. Another great streetart project is the Te Oranga jam.



NEW ZEALAND: Streetart Napier – Artists for Oceans – PANGEA SEED and SEA WALLS

Napier, or in Maori “Ahuiri”, is a coastal city on the North Island of New Zealand with around 65,000 inhabitants. The city hosts probably the highest number (52) of mural works from the fantastic globalwide project SEA WALLS – ARTISTS FOR OCEANS of the PANGEA SEED FOUNDATION. With over 450 murals in 18 countries across the world this project unites and engages communities on a global scale, inspiring them to become better ocean stewards.