SRI LANKA: Tattoo Pioneer KENNY ADAMS – Modern Tattoo Studios & Equipment Supplies

The creative artist KENNY ADAMS from Sri Lanka started drawing already as a child, initially with pens and brushes on paper. Time passed, he kept on painting, but meanwhile preferably on human skin. Starting out as a single tattoo artist, he has built up an entire collective and network under MODERN TATTOO, which currently consists of four studios around the country. Additionally he also runs a supply service for tattoo equipment. We spoke to the versatile artist in an interview about the tattooing, the development of his projects and his vision for Sri Lanka’s tattoo culture.


CHILE: Fantastic Artist GUZTOK – Creative Graffiti, Abstract Characters and Tattooism

The great artist GUZTOK was born and raised near Villa Francia in Estación Central, which is part of the region around Santiago de Chile. Since he was a child, GUZTOK was drawn to the political murals and graffiti near his house. He started spraying himself, first letters, later on also with figurative styles and characters. Today he lives in the German capital Berlin and creates fantastic urban artworks and cool tattoos. Check out the interview!


SWEDEN: Tattoo and Graffiti Artist TONY B – Unikum Studio – Characters, Anime and New School

The Swedish artist TONY B started with drawing on paper, followed by painting on human skin as a tattoo artist and finally also creating on walls as a graffiti sprayer. In Gothenburg he runs the magnificent tattoo studio UNIKUM with a team of six other great tattooers. His love is with the body decorations, but he kept on doing all of the other connected art genres too, so it is drawing, illustrations, tattoos and wall paintings. Check out the interview!


CYPRUS: Tattoo Artist MIKEY BOY and the RISE ‚N‘ SHINE studio – Visit while a session in Limassol

The tattoo artist MIKEY BOY from Cyprus runs together with his colleague MAXI ESPINO the tattoo studio RISE ‚N‘ SHINE in the coastal city of Limassol. The two look back on many years of experience in the field of body decoration and have already tattooed all over the world. In 2013, they finally opened their own colorful premises on Dimitri Liberti Street. Check out the interview!


MEXICO: Spray Paint and Tattoo Ink – Murals, Canvas and Piel Ritual – Visual Artist POSK

The Mexican visual artist POSK creates fantastic creatures with a mix of mythology and abstract on canvas, on house walls in urban spaces or as a tattoo artist with his project PIEL RITUAL on human skin. The artworks inspire dreams of another world and are breathtaking and fascinating on both a large and small scale. We spoke with POSK in an interview about his great art and his interesting projects.


CHILE: Bore Namazu Tattoos – Arica – Visit at BORE’s studio

In Arica on the northern Pacific Coast we made a little stop to do some surfing. The beaches and the waves are quite nice for several month. Next to the harbor we passed the Tattoo-Studio of the artist BORE, who showed us the shop and gave one of our colleagues an ear-piercing-plug for free. So we thought why not write an article about the tattoo studio. In the link you will find an interview with Bore and a video of a tattoo session and his shop.