GERMANY: Graffiti & Streetart Berlin – October Jam at North Side Gallery – URBAN ART FOR A BETTER WORLD

On the 6th, 8th and 9th of October 2022 another great jam took place at the North Side Gallery with more than 50 fantastic creators taking part. Local and international urban artists redesigned the walls of the North Side Gallery with the theme “Urban Art for a Better World“. For the protection of the environment, freedom of speech, a life without violence and war, a humanistic attitude and respect for the dignity of each individual!


CANADA: Streetart Montréal – Vieux-Rosemont – Canettes de Ruelle – Festival Gallery

The adventure of the Canettes de Ruelle began in 2017 in an alley in the Montreal neighbourhood of Rosemont where a special street artist lived a few years ago. It started with a little artistic jam with a few friends and a few beers. Since then, the event has continued to grow and mature. It is helt at an alley south of Masson Street between 6e and 9e Avenue in Rosemont-La Petite Patrie borough. Indeed, the alley in question is in the Vieux-Rosemont part of the district. More beautiful editions are going to come in the next few years! Here we have a gallery of some of the artworks sorted by artists.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Minimalistix Gallery – Exhibition FRANK WILLEMS

From 13th of August  till 30th of September 2022 the exhibition of artist FRANK WILLEMS takes place at the MINIMALISTIX GALLERY in Bülow Street 11. Another great event at the wonderful art space in the premises of CENGIZ TATAR‘s allaround shop where the project started with an first vernissage on February 10th, 2022. The artist works a lot with double-layered images and ambiguous messages. For this he often uses black light and a picture looks completely different in the black light than without.


CANADA: Streetart Vancouver – Vancouver Mural Festival – Annual Artist Gallery

The Vancouver Mural Festival, or short VMF started in 2016 with demonstrating the transformative power of art in the city. Meanwhile they cover nine neighbourhoods not only every year during the event, but also have several creative and colorful side projects running. In 2020 during the Corona pandemic they started the initiative #MakeArtWhileApart and curated murals on boarded-up storefronts. In summer of the same year artists contributed on that festival edition about 60 new murals plus three weeks of live performances. Check out the huge gallery!


GERMANY: Abstract pottery mixed with traditional history & The SlowArt Festival – DIPPEL ZIPPEL

The artist TAMARA ZIPPEL is known as a passionate painter and performance actress with the group DIE SEGEL, but for quite some time, she has devoted herself to a new art genre and is now also making abstract and colorful clay jugs with her new label DIPPEL ZIPPEL. As well she is the initiator of the awesome SLOWART FESTIVAL, which is taking place from 16th to 18th September in Griedel. We spoke with the creative artist in an interview!


GERMANY: Graffiti Event at Berlin’s North Side Gallery – Liebe zur Kunst Jam – Love for Art

On 30th June and 3rd July 2022, more than 30 urban artists redesigned parts of the North Side Gallery during the LIEBE ZUR KUNST JAM, which would mean in English “Love For Art”. Regardless of origin, socio-economic status and gender, the walls of the North Side Gallery, legalized by the GRAFFITI LOBBY BERLIN, were painted together. The event was organized by EMILY STRANGE. Check out the great creations from the jam!


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Urban Nation Museum – Streetart Festival UNARTIG

From 17th June till 19th June 2022 the UNARTIG streetart festival took place around the Urban Nation Museum at Bülowstreet 7 with the motto “Kunst im Quartier”, which means in English “Art in the neighbourhood”. A huge mural made by the BROKEN FINGAZ CREW on the museum facade was inaugurated during the festival and several artists presented their artworks on temporary walls. Check out the detailed documentation of this event with heaps of photos!


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – More than 40 artists at North Side Gallery for Father’s Day Jam

On May 26th 2022, more than 40 urban artists redesigned parts of the North Side Gallery during the FATHER’S DAY JAM. Regardless of origin, socio-economic status and gender, the walls of the North Side Gallery, legalized by the GRAFFITI LOBBY BERLIN, were painted, glued and colourfully decorated together. Additionally the artist OLA from the STADTPIRATEN together with the artist DYSM diligently glued two large paste-up walls. Check out the huge photo gallery from the event!


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Minimalistix Gallery – Exhibition – ENERGETIC ART 2

From 7th till 27th of May 2022 the exhibition ENERGETIC ART 2 took place at the MINIMALISTIX GALLERY in Bülow Street 11 in Berlin. It is the third exhibition at the new wonderful art space in the premises of CENGIZ TATAR‘s allaround shop where the project started with a first vernissage on February 10th, 2022. This third event shows works from the eight artists TALISSA MEHRINGER, HÜLPMAN, ANGELA MARTINEZ, PHISEL, CAROLINE O, MERLIN 007 and RABEA SENFTENBERG.