SPAIN: Graffiti Barcelona – Periferia Beat Festival & Mural Jam – 50 Years of Hip Hop

From October 5th to 20th 2023 the 7th edition of the great PERIFERIA BEAT FESTIVAL took place in Barcelona. Every year, this extensive urban art event brings numerous artists from all areas of the scene to the stage. From breakdance to hip hop music, djing, rap battles and, of course, graffiti. This year’s event was also themed “50 Years of Hip Hop” and included movies, exhibitions and workshops. On October 12th, as well the MURAL JAM BARCELONA took place as part of the festival, where fantastic works were created at the Tres Xemeneies Hall.


GERMANY: Streetart Bremen – Stephanikirchenweide 19 – HIDDEN TREASURE Urban Art Festival – 2024 Edition

The HIDDEN TREASURE in Bremen is the world’s first black light urban art festival. The artists work together according to predetermined color concepts, using only black and six blacklight colors. Today we present you the photos from the 2024 edition which took place from 2nd till 4th of August at the Alte Werft at Stephanikirchenweide 19. Around 70 national and international artists came to spray and this time the motto was “3D Odyssee”, because the works of art were not only bathed in black light, but 3D glasses were also available for purchase on the site, which catapulted the murals into 3-dimensional space!


GERMANY: Urban Art Bremerhaven – Fischereihafen – Graffiti Jam Wall – SUMMA MADNEZZ

The fantastic graffiti jam SUMMA MADNEZZ has been taking place in Bremerhaven since 2010 and brings together local and international artists every year to create a huge wall. Initially the event took place at different locations, but since 2015 the organizer and artist THOE and his colleagues have been provided with a 400-meter-long wall in Oststraße at the Fischereihafen quarter. The façade of a former shipbuilding hall is ideal for large-scale creations and every year amazing artworks are sprayed here by more than 50 participants under a specific motto.


GERMANY: Graffiti Frankfurt – Ratswegkreisel Hall – 1 Year Montana Store Jam – 25th May 2024

The fantastic MONTANA STORE in Frankfurt has now been open for a year and this occasion was celebrated in style with an awesome event weekend. There was a great party in the shop, but the highlight came the next day with the “1 Year Montana Birthday Jam” at the Ratswegkreisel Hall and around 150 artists came to spray! Check out the huge gallery with more than 600 photos!


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Moabit – 21er GALLERY – ANTI RACISM JAM 2024

In March it was time again for the annual ANTI RACISM JAM in Moabit at the spraygrounds of the 21ER GALLERY with around 40 creators. Every year the popular jam brings top-class artists to the walls with fantastic concept collaborations to make a colorful statement against racism and discrimination. The event on 22nd and 23rd March 2024 was organized by TOMSTA and KARAME21 with the support of CAPTAIN PAINT and the 21ER GALLERY.



ESTONIA: Urban Art Tallinn – Telliskivi Loomelinnak – MESA JAM – MaEiSaaAru Festival

The art festival “Ma Ei Saa Aru“, which means in English “I Don’t Understand”, is a great multi disciplinary event which is held annually since 2021 at the Telliskivi Loomelinnak, the “Creative City”. In its first edition there was also the MESA graffiti jam included in the festival and numerous urban artworks got sprayed at the graffiti backyard and around the permisses. The festival focuses on one field of art each year and numerous artists contribute with colorful artworks around the area.


THAILAND: Meeting of Styles Hua Hin – Abandoned Factory Graffiti – Lost Place Urban Art in the Jungle

Hua Hin is located in the center of the country on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand and is the oldest beach resort of the Thai royal family, and therefore also for countless tourists. Also the fantastic global graffiti project MEETING OF STYLES organized its first event in Thailand around an abandonded factory near the city in the jungle. More than 50 local and international artists created awesome artworks on April 5th and 6th in 2014, several can still be seen.


GERMANY: Exhibition Berlin – Skateboard Museum, FKKB & Hotel Berlin – WALLRIDE & OUT OF THE BOX

Berlin is well known for its skateboard scene and is also home to the artist and skateboarder CHRISTIAN ROTHENHAGEN aka DEER BLN and the artist PISA 73 – the initiators of the ‘SISSI‘ skateboard club. In cooperation with the curator JÜRGEN BLÜMLEIN from the SKATEBOARD MUSEUM and the FKKB they curated the exhibitions OUT OF THE BOX and WALLRIDE at the Hotel Berlin from 18th April till 17th May with a huge variety of colorfully designed skateboards and a historical photo show.


CHILE: Streetart Angol – Nahuelbuta Graff Jam – Angol’s First Urban Art Festival

ZEN, the father of the character Smile, created the first graffiti festival ever held in Angol! He looked for sponsors, spoke with the Municipality, and with the support of musician OUCLASS and the culture center FRONTERA SUR, he organized and convened the NAHUELBUTA GRAFF FESTIVAL between February 23rd and 24th in 2024. Numerous artists from Angol and the region participated and painted several awesome walls around a soccer field close to the Rehue River. Check out the artworks from this “Encuentro Cultural de Graffiti”.



CHILE: Streetart Valparaíso – Maestranza Barón – Festival de Artes y Oficios

After the great first art event “Festival de Artes y Oficios” in 2023 this year the second edition took place in the historical buidling complex of the Maestranza Barón. Numerous local and national artists created fantastic works in large and small scale. The event was organized by the MARGINAL GALERIA and LA HOGUERA and all the collected funds during the happening went to families affected by the wildfires in Viña del Mar.