I always loved to read comics and I still do, the shelves are packed with X-Men, Thundercats and Ascensions and heaps of boxes are stored in the cellar. While scrolling through social media some month ago I stumbled over this creative guy here from Ohio and checked out his digital abstract comic styled artworks which took my attention. You could say some of his artworks are abstract freak out comics sketches for adults. I loved it and wanted to get in contact with the artists for an interview, so here we go!
Hi, My name is Eric and I was looking at a few different sites online and came across your site vagabundler.com. I must say – your website is very impressive. I am seeing your website on the first page of the Search Engine. The interview with Sonny Lee and his artworks are fantastic!
Hey, this is Eric and I ran across vagabundler.com a few minutes ago. Looks great!
Very cool! I do these scribble arts as well, have a lot meanwhile, but didnt start putting them online. Should be mentioned and highlighted more!