Exhibition: Signal Light – FRANZISKA SOPHIE GEISSLER
The exhibition “Signal Light” by the Stuttgart artist FRANKZISKA SOPHIE GEISSLER started with a vernissage on October 22nd of 2022 in the in the NORDHEIMER SCHEUNE, the exhibition ran until November 1st of 2022.
Curator HELMUT ALBERT MÜLLER about the exhibition: Light and the preferred materials glass fibre, epoxy resin, lino printing inks and pigments play a central role in Franziska Sophie Geissler’s work. She accords the narrative claim of her works the same priority as materiality and formal design.
And she asks how the remembered image connects with the artistically designed image. Her works thus become an expression of what she has experienced. They can be understood as emotional and atmospheric approaches to people and situations and as portraits in a broader sense.
Each of her works is created on its own. When applying the up to six “layers of paint” to substrates such as canvas, wood and aluminum dibond, chance gets its due. The depth of space created by light and dark and complementary contrasts cannot be fully calculated.
The radiant colors of her paintings are vaguely reminiscent of the rosette of Notre Dame de Paris and of the medieval stained glass in the Besserer Chapel in Ulm Minster. The fact that Geissler gave her exhibition in the Nordheim barn the title ›Signal Light‹ suggests that she wants to send a signal with it: ›Signal‹ is derived from the Latin ›signum‹, “sign” and ›signalis‹, “giving a signal, destined to be a sign” and the French ‘signal’ came into German.
Light and darkness, day and night, rising and setting of the sun determine the rhythm of life of nature and human beings and enter into feelings, language, thinking, symbols and myths. In the religions, light stands for the side of the gods, the spirit, salvation and happiness.
In ancient Egypt, the sun god Re conquered darkness. In the later creation account of the Hebrew Bible, God brought the light into being before the creation of the earth and according to the Gospel of John Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Buddha is considered the enlightened one.
In physics, light is described as radiation, as a wave and as a particle; light reaches the speed of light in a vacuum. In the life of plants, light provides the energy for photosynthesis. The human eye’s photoreceptors can see light waves ranging from red to violet.
One hopes at the moment. to be able to use the “James Webb” telescope to look back in time shortly after the Big Bang around 13.8 billion years ago. It is in the eyes of the beholder which of the alluded aspects of light appear in Geissler’s works.
The exhibition is part of the state-wide exhibition project “Trüffelsuche” by the Baden-Württemberg Artists’ Associatio. – Curator Helmut Albert Müller
Website: http://www.franziska-geissler.de
Website: https://helmut-a-mueller.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Helmut-A-M%C3%BCller/100005265189390
Website: https://www.nordheim.de/website/de/freizeit/tourismus/kultur/nordheimer-scheune
Scheune Main Page: https://vagabundler.com/germany/streetart-map-heilbronx/nordheimer-scheune
Photographer: ANTON MICHELS
Website: http://banater-schwaben-heilbronn.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toni.michels.7
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonimichels
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