GERMANY: Streetart Celle – Hannoversche 30 – CD Kaserne – Blaues Haus – Alternative Art Space

The CD KASERNE is one of the largest youth and event centers in northern Germany and a place of creative happeninigs, of course with graffiti on the facades. Here we show you a collection of the great artworks and a short description from the organizers about their projects. The gGmbH behind this space is a municipal and non-profit organization of the city of Celle. With 20 full-time employees and up to 50 freelancers, they are responsible for the administration and operation of the numerous venues.

The areas of responsibility are cultural work, youth work and site management of the 33,000 square meter area, which, in addition to a colourful event and youth program, also offers a home to numerous independent institutions, associations and groups. These include the Buntes Haus (coloured house), the cinema 81/2 Kino, the music school Kreismusikschule Celle, the Rock Musik Initiative, the Big Band Celle, the dance formation Samba Beija Flor, the drum school Trommelakademie, the climbing community DAV Celle section, the outpatient nursing care Albert Schweitzer family organization „PAB“, the first aid training courses of Tronomed, the debtor and insolvency counseling foundation Solvent, the friends of truck model making association Heidetrucker, the wheel gymnastics group Rhönradturnen of the ESV Fortuna, the „Knalltüte“ circus and Lloyd’s musical school. As well in the center of the area is a cool skate park.

The educational department of the CD-Kaserne offers homework help, girls‘ days, sports activities and vacation care, as well as a youth club that is open every day and is seen as a permanent institution for young people in Celle. House 7, as the meeting place is called, offers a varied program: they cook together, play Yu-Gi-Oh and soccer or simply have a chat. The young people also have access to a computer room for presentations and homework.

In 2019, a youth living room was designed and furnished together with the young people using foundation funds. Here, it is now possible to work with small groups, carry out media education interventions specifically for those interested, and hold educationally supervised discussions and activities in a cozy atmosphere. House 7 also offers „OnLy4Girl’s“, a time exclusively for girls in which they can find a protected space in which they can simply be girls, talk about their problems with other girls and staff and get tips. The CD-Kaserne also offers a sports program for young people in Hall 10: the soccer project. Every year, the new training season starts with the traditional big „New Year’s Hall Kick“ in January.

The program in the CD-Kaserne covers almost all areas of culture with weekly events. Two large event halls are available for this purpose. This is where the who’s who of the comedy scene comes together, as well as rock and pop stars. Various trade fairs, flea markets and blood donation events are also part of the CD-Kaserne’s offering. There is a special series of events for younger guests: you can regularly immerse yourself in the magical world of puppet theater at the „Family Theater in the CD-Kaserne“. In 2018, another small room was opened up on the site: Hall 13 now offers approx. 130 square meters of space for small art events, seminars or celebrations such as confirmations or birthdays.

The project work combines the various areas of the CD-Kaserne and utilizes the resulting synergies. Through this work, the Celle Cultural Center has also achieved nationwide recognition, and the team is responsible for the following projects, among others. The „Celle Folk Song Festival“, which regularly encourages young and old to sing along and connects generations through music. At the „Collegium Cellense – the Children’s University“, children are introduced to scientific topics and experience them in an exciting way. This project is a cooperation between the CD-Kaserne, the Celle Adult Education Center and the Celle Community Foundation.

The music and prevention project „I am strong!“ has been taking place every two years for the past 15 years and each time involves 800 schoolchildren aged between eight and twelve who write and record songs on the topic together and hold their own CD in their hands at the end. Since 2015, the CD-Kaserne has also been the external coordination and specialist office for the federal „Live Democracy!“ program in Celle. The CD-Kaserne team also designed the Lower Saxony touring exhibition „Oh, a fool! Right-wing extremism and misanthropy in caricature and satire“ and „What’s up, Germany! A tour of the Islam debate“, a nationwide touring exhibition on the German discourse on Islam.

As part of a federal model project, she founded the Center for Systemic Intercultural Prevention – SIP for short – in 2016. Since 2020, the CD-Kaserne has been working on a new model project – „Who are we? Thinking, speaking, acting in the debate on Islam“ – which is funded until 2024.

In recent years, the CD-Kaserne has also established itself as a training company for the professions of event management assistant, office clerk and event technology specialist, and the full-time employees are also IHK trainers and are involved in the examination boards on a voluntary basis. The educational branch of the CD-Kaserne offers the opportunity to complete a voluntary social year or a work placement in the social services sector.

Some history about that place: The Cambridge Dragoon Barracks on Hannoversche Straße is a reminder of the last Hanoverian cavalry regiment in the town of Celle and was built in 1841-42 by King Ernst August of Hanover. 

The architecture is solid and simple and the only decoration on the gable field is the crown carved in stone and the inscription „E.A. 1842“, the initials of Ernst August, King of Hanover. Initially, the regimental staff and a squadron were housed on the barracks grounds. A lithograph in the Bomann Museum from the year of construction shows the building in its original front view: the entrance gate in the middle, a shield house and a roundel.

The crews slept around the staff building. These buildings were destroyed in a fire in 1929. At the time of the „Cambridge Dragoons“, the officers‘ mess was located in the main building. The mess was housed here until after the First World War. Finally, it was used as officers‘ quarters and in 1935 the building was converted into crew quarters. 

During the Prussian period from 1867 to 1870, parts of the Westphalian Cuirassier Regiment were housed here.

After the 1870-71 war, the barracks were occupied by various artillery divisions until 1919. From 1932 to 1942, it was home to an escadron of a motorized rifle division, and from 1942 it was used by the Nebeltruppe as an assembly and training area and to house training courses. 

After the Second World War, the barracks were occupied by British and Dutch troops until the Defense Command moved into part of the rooms on 1 April 1966. On January 27, 1976, the brigade command of Panzerbrigade 33 was housed in the barracks. In 1990, it was given its old name again: „Cambridge Dragoon Barracks“.

In 1996, the site was put into operation by the town as a youth and cultural center under the management of the non-profit limited company „CD-Kaserne Celle“ (the shareholder is the town of Celle). With its 33,000 m² of usable space, the project quickly became a cultural focal point for the entire region. The CD-Kaserne’s range of activities includes a cultural and event program for guests of all ages, as well as youth work with offers for meaningful leisure activities.  –  CD Kaserne

Photos from January 2025














Artist:  DICE  –  DICE ONE





  Artist:  SERGIO ACES


Crews & Collectives:  DIE VANDALS  –  SQUAL UNIT  –  BUNTES HAUS

Skate Park Area








Photos from January 2024





  Artist:  RIVER  –  CELLKERN 29  –  C29


JS  –  SPS  –  CK








GPS Location:  52°36’56.0″N 10°04’54.6″E

Art Space:  CD KASERNE


Phone:  05141 – 977290

Opening Hours:  Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm



Youth Center – Haus 7:

Photographer:   IRXNSCHMOIZ

Hashtag:  #irxnschmoiz



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