EGYPT: Nagaa Suhayl Gharb – Fantastic Streetart in the Nubian Village near Aswan

South of the city of Aswan on the west bank of the Nile lies the Nubian Village as part of the town of Nagaa Suhayl Gharb. The place is just an astonishing treasure trove of interesting culture and great urban art. Nearly most of the buildings are provided with grandiose works of art or simply completely painted as large complete works. Included are murals by ROMA, RAMY TAG, ROBY, MAHA GAMIL and many more.


EGYPT: Alexandria – Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa – Underground Hidden Treasures

The catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa are considered one of the best archaeological sites in Alexandria. They were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century and are considered to be one of the largest Roman burial sites. These tombs were excavated in the Mother Rock at the time of Emperor Antoninus in the 2nd century A.D. These tombs represent the last major existing construction in the interest of the ancient Egyptian religion.


GERMANY: Streetart Babenhausen – Freibad Jam – Das Dreckige Dutzend – AEROSOL QUEENS 2022

After several years of grandiose events and spray sessions of DAS DRECKIGE DUTZEND, the first additional only femal writers jam took place on 3rd and 4th of September in 2022 at the local swimming pool in Babenhausen: The fantastic event AEROSOL QUEENS was born and is going to happen from now on annually. That means two fantastic jams every year! DD12 and AEROSOL QUEENS.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Berlin Mitte – North Side Gallery – EQUAL JAM 2023

On March 5th, 8th and 9th on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the great EQUAL JAM 2023 took place on the walls of the North Side Gallery with its second edition. More than 70 local urban artists painted, pinned, glued and sprayed on the subject of equality and created a huge and unique open-air gallery for Berlin on more than 1200 m². Check out the great creations!