GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – North Side Gallery – December Jam 2022 – ARMUT X REICHTUM – POVERTY X WEALTH

Over four days in early December 2022, the North Side Gallery was colorfully redesigned under the theme “Armut X Reichtum”, which means in English “Poverty X Wealth”. More than 30 artists sprayed and painted grandiose works on the main wall on the West Part and on the wall on the East Part during December 1st, 3rd, 4th and 8th. The jam was organized by EMILY STRANGE with support from the GRAFFITI LOBBY BERLIN. Check out the awesome creations from the event!


GEORGIA: Canvas Painting & Urban Beautification – Vazha Kavlelashvili

Today we present you a great artist from Georgia. VAZHA KAVLELASHVILI has an incredibly beautiful imagination of beings and figures, he sees the world through his creative eyes and brings these inspirations to light with works of art. On canvas or other materials, and of course on walls in urban spaces. We spoke with this interesting artist in an interview, check out the article!


AZERBAIJAN: Streetart Baku – Urban Art in the capital and economic center

Baku is the capital and economic center of Azerbaijan. The city on the Caspian Sea is famous for its medieval fortified old town, the palace of the Shirvanshahs with an extensive royal building complex and the stone Maiden’s Tower as some of the city’s landmarks. Famous modern buildings include the Heydar Aliyev Center designed by architect Zaha Hadid and the three pointed skyscrapers entitled „Flame Towers“. Of course interesting urban artworks can also be found throughout the streets.


SINGAPORE: Streetart Singapore – Urban Art Collection from the Island State

Singapore is an island and city-state south of Malaysia. Small but golden. It is a global financial center with a tropical climate and a multicultural population. In the colonial center of the city you can find the Pandang, which has been used as a cricket ground since the 1830s and is now surrounded by glorious buildings such as the town hall with its 18 Corinthian columns. In the Chinese quarter Chinatown from around the 1820s is the red and gold Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, in which a tooth of Buddha is said to be. And in the streets there is as well wonderful urban art!


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Moabit – Erna Samuel & Siemens – 21er GALLERY – 21 JAM STREET

Between 7th and 9th of October the colorful graffiti event „21 Jam Street“ was organized by the 21ER GALLERY and magnificent works of art were created over the three days on the large Concept Wall between Siemens Street and Erna Samuel Street and also on the facades of the Hambacher Wall, which is a new location at the corner of Erna Samuel Street and Siemens Street and managed by the 21 GALLERY. Here are the fantastic works of art sorted by name.


CYPRUS: Graffiti Writer, Muralist and Festival Organizer – Respect & Passion – PAPARAZZI

In recent years more and more color has been coming to the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean. The enthusiastic artist ACHILLEAS MICHAELIDES, better known as PAPARAZZI, just kept on creating one fantastic artwork after the other. He is playing an important role in the development of the local scene and the passionate inventor builds up communities, hosts festivals, connects artists and runs his own studio in Larnaka. We spoke with the fabulous artist in an extensive interview about his creative doings and about the story how he became an artist. True words with a lot of respect, experience and wisdom.


MOLDOVA: Streetart Chișinău – Urban Art Collection from the Capital

Chişinău is the capital of the Eastern European Republic of Moldova. Amidst blocks of Soviet architecture are sights such as the neoclassical cathedral, the Arc de Triomphe in honor of the victory over the Ottoman Empire, or the Ştefan cel Mare Central Park named after a Moldavian prince. In the streets you can also find interesting works of art and beautiful color on the walls.


KUWAIT: Streetart Kuwait City – Urban Art in the Capital of the Arab Gulf Emirate

The city of Kuwait (in Arabic: الكويت al-Kuwait or مدينة الكويت Madīnat al-Kuwait) is the capital and also the largest city of the Emirate of Kuwait. Located on the coast of the small state on the shores of the Persian Gulf, the metropolis of about 3 million inhabitants is the cultural, political and economic center of the country. Of course as everywhere in the world and like in all places on this globe, urban art can also be found here. It may not be that much the typical graffiti letters, but beautiful murals and wonderful wall drawings definitely.


GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Spandau – Old Post Station – URBAN ART HALL – meanwhile demolished

The old post station in the Berlin district Spandau – the URBAN ART HALL – was a creative art space for many years and the outside walls became an urban gallery with wonderful creations. Colorful undertakings happend here, great events took place or frequently spray sessions and you could find masterpieces from local and international artists. The building complex was demolished meanwhile, but here in our archive you can still admire the fantastic artworks in the subpages for each artist.