GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Charlottenburg – Lise Meitner 50 – Jungfernheide – ESTO – ZZO

1st Advent Spray Session  –  30th November 2024

The artworks to the left on this great Christmas wall are from AMPER, FEIK and LEFT

The graffiti on the far left are from ACKO and HOOMS

The graffiti on the left are from PETRUS and ACKO aka LATE aka EF16 aka 1000 STYLES

The artworks on the right were made by MON and DEJOE

Sprayday  –  19th October 2024

The nurse character on the left is from LEFT and the graffiti on the right was made by HOOMS

The graffiti on the far left is from ACKO

Sprayday  –  12th October 2024

The graffiti on the left are from SHERA and MYA

The artworks on the far left are from MILK, CORS and OSLO

The graffiti on the left is from HOOMS and the character in the middle was made by LEFT

Sprayday  –  17th August 2024

The graffiti on the left were made by SHERA and OLSO, and the graffiti above are from a previous session and were made by PHERS

The graffiti on the right is a birthday greeting to KAOK and was made by AMPER

The graffiti on the far left are from MYA and LEFT

Happy Birthday Jam for MYA  –  7th July 2024

The graffiti on the left are from SHERA and OSLO, and the graffiti on the right is from WIEK

The artworks on the far left are from ACKO, HOOMS, AMPER, FEIK, LEFT, PSIK, FOGS and MYA

Spray Day  –  29th June 2024

The graffiti on the left is from HOOMS and the graffiti on the right was made by LEFT

The graffiti on the far left is from ACKO aka LATE aka EF16

Killa Beeez Jam 2.0  –  1st May 2024

After the great first Killa Beeez Wall in 2022 two years later several artists teamed up on 1st May in 2024 for the second edition of this event. Killa Beeez 2.0! The artworks from left to right were made by SNYDER, MAGNET, HEMA 79, MONKEE aka KUFE, PHONE, LEFT, ESTO, WIEK, PSIK, SNOK and MYSTIK 42

The artwork on the left is from DIRTY DOG and the character on the right was made by LEFT

Spray Day  –  13st April 2024

The character in the middle is from LEFT and the graffiti on the right was made by HOOMS

The graffiti on the far right are from AMPER and SAMK

The graffiti on the left is from ACKO

The graffiti on the far left are from WIEK and PSIK 

The character on the right is from AMPER and the graffiti on the right was made by APHE

The graffiti on the far left are from WIEK and PSIK

Happy Birthday Spray Day  –  2nd March 2024

The graffiti on the left are from ACKO and HOOMS

The graffiti on the right is from MYA

The graffiti on the far left are from LEFT and AMPER

The artworks on the left are from AMPER and ACKO

Spray Day  –  17th February 2024

This great Lucky Luke Tribute wall was made from left to right by ACKO, AMPER, HOOMS, ESTO, SNIK and FEIK. The characters of Rantanplan, Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper were also made by AMPER

Spray Day  –  27th January 2024

This awesome collaboration wall was made from left to right by CORS, DEJOE, MONKEE, MON, HOOMS, LEFT, ESTO, AMPER and ACKO

New Year’s Eve Session  –  31st December 2023

The graffiti on the left is from MONKEE and the character on the right was made by LEFT

The graffiti on the right is from FEIK and the pig was made by AMPER

The graffiti on the far right was made by ACKO

The artworks on the far left are from CUORE, NICK KNITE, OBYA and SNIE

Spray Day 11th November 2023 – Photos by ACKO

The Batmans on the left and the right are from AMPER. Also included at this great Batman wall were ACKO and HOOMS

Sprayday  –  15th October 2023

The artworks on the left are from HOOMS and AMPER

The artwork on the far left is from TOBO and ASOK

The character in the middle is from AMPER and the graffiti on the left was made by HOOMS

The artworks on the right are from TEKS 62, VONUNDSU and RUDI 411

Graffiti Session  –  26th August 2023

The artwork on the right is from MYA

The artworks on the left are from ACKO and AMPER

The graffiti on the right is from SHERA and OSLO followed by another artwork from MYA

Happy Birthday Jam for AMPER  –  19th August 2023

These great graffiti were made on 19th August in 2023 at the birthday jam for AMPER. The artists from left to right are ACKO, LEFT, ESTO, PSIK, WIEK, OSLO, SHERA and MYA

Happy Birthday Jam for OSLO

This great wall was made during the birthday jam for the artist OSLO. The artworks from left to right were made by ESTO, OSLO, SHERA, AMPER, LEFT, MYA and HOOMZ. Happy Birthday OSLO!

The graffiti on the left is from SAMK

The graffiti on the far left are from SAMK, HOOMS and AMPER, who also made the characters

The Afro Samurai characters on the sides are from LEFT

The artworks on the right are from KESY and AMPER

Spray Days   –   17th  &  18th  June  2023

The graffiti on the right is from SAMK and the character next to it was made by AMPER

The next following artworks to the right are from ACKO and CORS & MILK

HOOMS Birthday Jam  –  27th & 28th May 2023  –  The SimpsHooms

The boxer Drederick Tatum on the left was made by AMPER and Krusty the Clown on the right is from LEFT

This great Simpson theme was made for HOOMS birthday and is also a tribute to the legendary comic series. The SimpsHooms collaboration wall was created from left to right by the artists ACKO, SAMK, LEFT, HOOMS, KAOK, AMPER, ESTO, SHERA, OSLO. The two artists PAR and NUHK did the colorful background with the Zo-E-Mart and the SimpsHooms style title. Happy Birthday HOOMS!

The artworks on the left are from SAMK, AMPER and HOOMS

Graffiti Jam – 22nd April 2023

The skull on the left is from AMSPEAR and the alien on the right was made by LEFT

The graffiti on the left are from OSLO, SHERA and  NJOY

Easter Jam – 9th April 2023

The artwork on the left is from ACKO and the graffiti on the right was made by HOOMS

Graffiti Session  –  21. January 2023

The artworks from left to right were made by SAMK, HOOMS, ESTO, AMPER, TROIME and NUHK

Januar Jam  –  7th January 2023

The graffiti from left to right were made by AMSPEAR PEEKOPS, LEFT, ACKO, SOUND, HOOMS and ESTO

Silvester Jam   –  31. December 2022

The artworks from left to right were made by ACKO, HOOMS, AMSPEAR PEEKOPS, ESTO and LEFT

The other artworks on this „Silvester Wall“ were made by SAMK, REK53 and SOUND. On the far right are graffiti from a previous spray session made by COSMOTRACY, PSIK, FEIK and SMOK.

Merry Christmas 2022

This Christmas artworks from left to right were made by ACKO aka LATE aka EF16, HOOMS, LEFT and ESTO

The graffiti on the left is from HOOMS and the graffiti on the right was made by LEFT

The monsters on the left are from ACKO aka LATE aka EF16

The artworks from left to right were made by HOOMS, ACKO, ESTO, LEFT and SMOK

The artworks from left to right were created by SHERA, OSLO, ESTO and HOOMS

The graffiti on the left is from HOOMS and the graffiti on the right from OSLO

Spray Session 25th July 2022

The artworks from left to right are from SAMK, ESTO, OSLO, MYA and the Death Star artwork on the right is from HOOMS and OPUS

The artwork on the right is from OSLO

Happy Birthday MYA !

Those great artworks were made for the birthday jam for MYA on 5th July 2022. The graffiti from left to right were made by SAMK, MYA, PSIK, OSLO, ESTO, LEFT, HOOMS, SOUND and PHYK.

Happy Birthday ESTO !

These awesome graffti were made for the birthday for ESTO. The artworks from left to right were made by HOOMS, ESTO, SAMK, LEFT and again SAMK.

The graffiti on the right is from HOOMS

The artworks on the left are from LEFT and OSLO

The artwork on the right was made by LEFT

From left to right HOOMER, ESTO, PSIK, LEFTONE & ACKO.


Artist:  ESTO  –  ZZO



Jungfernheide Collection:

Photographer: HOLGER PETER

Hashtags: #PeterEatAndArt #BerlinStreetArtPeter


Profile Page:


>>> Mauerpark Graffiti Zone <<<

>>> Urban Spree Gallery <<<

>>> Fabrik23 Gallery <<<

>>> Gleisdreieck Park <<<

>>> Haus Schwarzenberg <<<

>>> Kunstfabrik HB55 <<<

>>> Curator Urban Nation <<<

>>> Alte Poststation Spandau <<<

>>> Haus der Statistik <<<

>>> Teufelsberg <<<

>>> North Side Gallery <<<

>>> Arena Treptow <<<

>>> Köpenicker Backyard <<<

>>> Alte Feuerwache <<<

>>> Tabakfabrik <<<

>>> Allée du Stade <<<

>>> Pankow Graff Garages <<<

>>> Wiesenweg Art Yard <<<

>>> Elsenbrücke <<<

>>> Werdauer Iron Wall <<<

>>> Quader Spandau <<<

>>> Rosenthaler Spray Wall <<<

>>> Parkaue Art Space <<<

>>> Südgelände Naturpark <<<

>>> Rummelsburg Hall <<<

>>> Jungfernheide <<<

>>> Berlin Mural Fest <<<

>>> Exhibitions <<<



>>> Streetart Map Berlin <<<

>>> Streetart Map Frankfurt <<<

>>> Streetart Map Hamburg <<<

>>> Streetart Map Munich <<<

>>> Streetart Map Hannover <<<

>>> Streetart Map Heilbronn <<<

>>> Streetart Map Rheine <<<

>>> Streetart Map Insel Poel <<<


>>> Graffiti Mag MAINSTYLE <<<

>>> Stencil Artist TONA <<<

>>> Sculptor Pit Ruge <<<

>>> Dosenkunst – Jörg Rudolph <<<

>>> Sprayer CESAR ONE <<<

>>> Filmmaker Bernd Lützeler <<<

>>> Lupus Alpha – Calligraffiti <<<

>>> Firedancer Cassiopeia <<<

>>> Collagist DeePee <<<

>>> Sprayer ARTMOS4 <<<

>>> Painter Serkan Goeren <<<

>>> ElectroClassics – THE OHOHOHS <<<

>>> Painter Frau Fenster <<<

>>> Photographer Niko Neuwirth <<<

>>> Performance – Dirk Baumanns <<<

>>> Graffiti Artist RAWS <<<

>>> Hannover Glocksee <<<

>>> Frankfurt – Pillar Paradise <<<