GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Charlottenburg – Lise Meitner 50 – Jungfernheide – DEJOE

Spray Day  –  25th January 2025

The graffiti on the left is from MILK and the monkeys were made by CORS

The artworks on the right are from MON and MONKEE aka  KUFE

The fabulous Artists  –  CORS, DEJOE & MILK

Spray Day  –  19th January 2025

The berserker was made by CORS

The artworks on the left are from MILK, CORS, DEJOE, MON and MONKEE, and the graffiti on the right are from SNOK, NORE and RISM

First Sprayday of the Year  –  4th January 2025

The graffiti on the left is from MILK and the character in the middle was made by CORS

The portrait on the right was made by MON

The artworks on the far right are from MONKEE, BERS, DAWN, ESTO, NORE and RISM

Sprayday  –  3rd November 2024

The graffiti on the left are from ACKO and ESTO, and the portrait on the left was made by MON

Sprayday  –  26th October 2024

The clowny face on the left is from CORS and the woman on the right was made by NIZZ

The graffiti on the far right are from ACKO, AMPER, HOOMS and HEMA

Sprayday  –  20th October 2024

The graffiti on the left is from KASER and the graffiti on the right was made by ACKO

The graffiti on the far left is from WAVE NINE and the shaman character was made by CORS

Sprayday  –  30th September 2024

The graffiti on the left is from RAMSY and the graffiti on the right was made by MONKEE

The graffiti on the far right are from  KARE and again DEJOE from a previous session.

Happy Birthday Jam for FOGS & TRON 26  –  22nd September 2024

The graffiti on the left was made by MILK with the evil pumpkin character on the from CORS and the graffiti on the right is from TRON 26

The artworks on the far left are from FOGS, PSIK, AMPER, LEFT, ZEUS and LYTE, and the graffiti on the far right were made by HEMA 79, MONKEE and SIMBL (that one from a previous jam).


„Enter the Dragon“  –  Spray Day  –  17th August 2024

The graffiti on the far left is from BERO and the dragon on the left was made by MON

The white wolf looking like creature on the right was made by SIMBL from Amsterdam.

Spray Day  –  28th July 2024

The head on the left is from CORS, the graffiti on the left was made by MILK and the graffiti on the right is from SAMK

Spray Day  –  29th June 2024

The graffiti on the left and on the right are from SAMK

The graffiti on the far right is from PHOS

Spray Day  –  15th June 2024

The graffiti on the left is from SNOK and the graffiti on the right was made by CRYPT

The graffiti on the far right is from FABS

Spray Day  –  10th May 2024

The graffiti on the left is from SAMK and the graffiti on the right was made by CLONE

The character on the far left was made by MON

Spray Day 7th April 2024

The artworks on the left are from FEIK, AMPER and NAIF, and the graffiti on the right were made by ZEUS and YASNO

RTZ  &  N3M  Spray Day  –  27th March 2024

The graffiti on the left is from SAMK and the portrait in the middle was made by CORS

N3M Spray Day – 13th March 2024

The portrait on the left was made by CORS

The artworks on the left are from KASER, CORS and SYMER

Spray Day – 18th February 2024

The graffiti on the right is from WAVE NINE

The artworks on the far right were made by MILK, CORS and SYMER

Spray Day  –  27th January 2024

The character above was made by CORS

This awesome collaboration wall was made from left to right by CORS, DEJOE, MONKEE, MON, HOOMS, LEFT, ESTO, AMPER and ACKO

The artworks on the left are from CORS, DEJOE and MILK

Spray Day  –  14th January 2024

The graffiti is from DEJOE and the face in the middle made by CORS

The graffiti on the right is was made by MILK and the portrait on the right is as well from CORS

The artworks on the left are from MON, KASER and CORS

N3M Spray Day – 25th November 2023

The graffiti on the left is from SMOK

This great wall was made by several artists of the fantastic NEW 3RDEYE MOVEMENT or in short N3M. The artist SMOK was invited as a guest writer. The artworks from left to right were made by MON, KASER, CORS, WAVE NINE, NATRIX, SYMER, SMOK and DEJOE.

The graffiti on the left is from JEROO

The artwork on the far left was made by TOBO and ASOK

Black White Sprayday – 14. October 2023

The graffiti on the left is from WAVE NINE

The artwork around the corner on the right is from CORS and MILK

Spray Session  –  12th September 2023

The graffiti on the left is from SHUEN

The panther on the right was made by MON and the graffiti is from MERLIN

All Day Jam  –  28th August 2023

The graffiti on the left is from BIOT and the artwork on the right was made by DRUG

The artworks on the far right are from ACKO, AMPER, ESTO and MYA

The graffiti on the left is from REKS 81

The artworks on the right are from AMPER, HOOMS, LEFT and ACKO

Spray Day 18th July 2023

The artworks from left to right were made by SYMER, KASER, WAVE NINE, CORS, TRON 26, HEMA 79 and DEJOE

Sprayday 29th June 2023

The artworks from left to right were made by DEJOE, WAVE NINE, CORS, INKA and FRESK

Spray Days   –   17th  &  18th  June  2023

The graffiti is from DEJOE and the head in the middle was made by MON

The artwork around the corner to the left was made by MILK, who did the graffiti part, and CORS, who did the crazy clown face. Two fabulous collaboration artworks next to each other. Letters are connecting with characters. And this in the double, or let’s say a quadrupel from the fantastic N3M CREW!

Herrentags Jam – 18th May 2023

The graffiti on the left are from SAMK and PHOS and the artworks on the right were made by TONCÉ, and OSLO

The monkeys are from CORS and the graffiti in the middle was made by DEJOE

The alien around the corner to the left is from LEFT

The graffiti on the right are both from WAVE NINE

The graffiti on the right are from DROPAS and HOOMS

The portrait on the left is from MON and the portrait on the right was made by NATRIX

The graffiti on the far left and far right are from MONKEE

The character on the left is from CORS and the graffiti on the right from SAMK

The character on the left is from MON and the lighter on the right was made by NATRIX

The cool graffiti from left to right  are from EMMA, SAMK, PHOS, MON, DEJOE and NATRIX

The character on the right is from MON

The graffiti on the left is from SAMK

N3M Spray Day – Space Theme

This great collaboration wall was created by the artists from the crew N3M aka NEW 3RD EYE MOVEMENT. The artworks from left to right were made by TRON 26, CORS, DEJOE, SAF, SYMER and KASER. By clicking on the name you will find more images from the respective creators.

N3M  Spray  Day  –  12th  May

This fantastic collaboration wall was made by the crew NEW 3RD EYE MOVEMENT or in short N3M. The artworks from left to right were made by TRON 26, CORS, SYMER, SAF and DEJOE.

This great collaboration wall was created by the artists from the crew N3M aka NEW 3RD EYE MOVEMENT. The artworks from left to right were made by TRON 26, CORS, KASER, DEJOE and SAMK. By clicking on the name you will find more images from the respective creators. The photos were contributed by CORS.

The artworks from left to right were made by HEMA, DEJOE, CORS and TRON 26


Nine artists created together this great WU TANG KILLA BEEZ WALL. The artworks from left to right were made by ACKO, HEMA, BLACKI, SNYDER, MONKEE, KAOK, DEJOE, MON and NEMO

The graffiti from left to right were made by KASER, CORS, DEJOE, KAME, HEMA

The graffiti artworks from left to right were made by TRON26, CORS, DEJOE, KAME and HEMA79

The graffiti on the left was made by TRON 26 and the two falcon characters in the middle are from CORS.

The graffiti on the left was made by SMOK

The character on the left is from CORS and the graffiti from DEJOE

The artworks on the right are from HEMA79 and MONKEE

The graffiti on the left and the Batman are from HOOMZER

The artwork on the left was made by JAEK.

The artwork on the right is from CORS.

The artwork on the left was made in the theme of the N3M crew.

The lizards on the left were made by CORS.


Artist:  DEJOE



  Big Cartel:







Jungfernheide Collection:

Photographer: HOLGER PETER

Hashtags: #PeterEatAndArt #BerlinStreetArtPeter


Profile Page:


>>> Mauerpark Graffiti Zone <<<

>>> Urban Spree Gallery <<<

>>> Fabrik23 Gallery <<<

>>> Gleisdreieck Park <<<

>>> Haus Schwarzenberg <<<

>>> Kunstfabrik HB55 <<<

>>> Curator Urban Nation <<<

>>> Alte Poststation Spandau <<<

>>> Haus der Statistik <<<

>>> Teufelsberg <<<

>>> Arena Treptow <<<

>>> Köpenicker Backyard <<<

>>> Alte Feuerwache <<<

>>> Tabakfabrik <<<

>>> Allée du Stade <<<

>>> Pankow Graff Garages <<<

>>> Wiesenweg Art Yard <<<

>>> Elsenbrücke <<<

>>> Werdauer Iron Wall <<<

>>> Quader Spandau <<<

>>> Rosenthaler Spray Wall <<<

>>> Parkaue Art Space <<<