GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Berlin Mitte – Haus Schwarzenberg – MADRES DE FALSOS POSITIVOS – ORANGOTANGO
Quien dio la orden? – Who gave the order?
This discription board was added in 2024 to explain the backgrounds of the artworks wall, at the same time some more creations were contributed to this memorandum.
This artwork was made by the collective ORANGOTANGO and MADRES DE FALSOS POSITIVSO on August 30th in 2021, the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. The project was curated by ANNIKA HIRSEKORN with support from the NEUROTITAN GALLERY.
„Once upon a time there was a war, once there was a country with a black history and a gray future. This brutal war was a good deal, it seized land, it cultivated hatred, and the eighth plague, an evil plague, deafened us. He killed my Colombia, Soacha, you, me. Defense is learned, violence is acquired, and weapons are used. There are no schools, no health or food. We are all mothers and we don’t want to give birth to see our children die in this war. We are all little children, little brothers of Cain. Let’s refresh the collective memory so it doesn’t happen again.“ – Mamitas – Song by Andrea Echeverri
Quien dio la orden? – Who gave the order?
Lebend wollen wir sie zurück – We want them back alive
„Today we meet to let the light of memory burn, from Berlin to Bogota to every corner of Colombia. An area beneath its land that houses thousands of corpses of young people who have been identified or have yet to be identified. They are victims of this bloody and unjust structural war. We keep walking the streets and we will continue to do so. And we demand that the horrors of this war, perpetrated by states, armed forces and their accomplices against civilians, should never be repeated. We refuse to forget and be silent. No minute’s silence for all absences that don’t want to be forgotten. From here it continues.“
„On October 30th, 2021 the whole world will commemorate the 10th International Day of Forced Enforced Disappearance. In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly signed the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Forced Disappearance and expressed its deep concern that in many countries violent disappearances are frequent and persistent by state agents or by groups and / or individuals acting on behalf of the state act.“
„These extrajudicial practices are illegal and do not follow due process, thereby denying disclosure of whereabouts or the condition of victims. This is recognized as a systematic practice to instill terror in citizens. Such practices include the deprivation of liberty of persons through arrest, detention or transfer against the will of the victims.“
Con vida la queremos – We want them alive
The Anne Frank portrait on the left was made by JIMMY C
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