
Welcome to Vagabundler!

A wonderful ragbag for alternative travelers and fans of creativity, especially urban art. On this platform you can find interesting reportages, detailed country or city maps and coverages on awesome artists. There is a whole section about interviews with unique people and their amazing work, as well about crazy events and interesting sustaining projects from all around the world. Meanwhile we have around 190.000 photos in our archive and we try to preserve some of this creativity with our documentation. All respect to the artists! As well to all the numerous people involved in this non profit project. We do this voluntarily because we love it and we want to support the art scene in general and socio-cultural understanding between us on this planet. If you find any mistakes or missing information, just send us a message. We are creating, building and changing on this website all the time – but – of course!  If there is free time…. we travel and explore!!!

Atelier / Events / GermanyFrom 7th till 27th of May 2022 the exhibition ENERGETIC ART 2 took place at the MINIMALISTIX GALLERY in Bülow Street 11 in Berlin. It is the third exhibition at the new wonderful art space in the premises of CENGIZ TATAR‘s allaround shop where the project started with a first vernissage on February 10th, 2022. This third event shows works from the eight artists TALISSA MEHRINGER, HÜLPMAN, ANGELA MARTINEZ, PHISEL, CAROLINE O, MERLIN 007 and RABEA SENFTENBERG. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Mexico / StreetartThe island Holbox is located on the north coast of the Yucatán peninsula in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. The area was once populated by the Maya, who also gave the island its name in their language. Holbox means “black hole” and it´s called this way because of the dark water caused by mangroves in the lagoon Yalahao. Here we have a photo collection about the amazing graffiti and streetart on the island Holbox. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Ireland / Painter / Social / StreetartKevin Bohan came to art and graffiti via detours, but better later than never. For far too long he was working in unsatisfactory jobs, he didn’t pursue what was inside him, which eventually led to many years of depression. But the way out of the dark corner was finally painting and creative design. Art is his medicine. Over the years Kevin has done countless fantastic murals in Dublin and throughout Ireland, either on his own or in collaboration with other renowned sprayers. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
South AmericaThe area around Richmond Street is just a colorful art paradise. At least it once was on a much larger scale. Many buildings have since been demolished and some of the graffiti spots unfortunately no longer exist. But several wall parts are still active and great artworks continously get created here, also in our archive you can marvel at the previous area parts and the works, even if they are gone. It is basically a narrow side street, but this longer alley is filled over and over with graffiti and is one of the hot spots in town. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Cyprus / StreetartThe Blob Graff was a graffiti store and a place where regularly workshops were held. You can see the fantastic results and also the remains of it in the backyard. The place does not exist anymore, soon the other part of the building will get renewed. Some of the great artworks on the walls around still remain, but maybe not for long as well. Still here in our archive you can check out the photos from that place and the area around Spyrou Kyprianou. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Brazil / StreetartThe fantastic graffiti artist OTITO is certainly one of the Kings in São Paolo, his artworks are masterpieces and so are the creations of his crew DOIS MIL FAMÍLIA or 2milfamilia. The walls he paints with other writers are always just phenomenal! Bright, bold colors and finely crafted lettering. In the article you will get more about Otito‘s art, about graffiti in Brazil and also about the extravagant style Pixação. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Ghana / SocialThe Lekma Hospital is a governmental health facility built by the Chinese Government in 2010 as a friendship hospital between these two countries. The remarkable financial support from the Government of the People’s Republic of China was about 7.280.00 US Dollar. Within 16 month the construction was completed and the hospital was inaugurated by the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana H.E John Dramani Mahama on the 21st of December 2010. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Italy / StreetartTurin became a large open-air museum with 18 works of urban art inspired by the United Nations 2030 agenda. This is “Toward 2030, What are you doing?”. The initiative involved 18 international street artists who have created in 2018 and 2019 altogether 18 various places in the city with fantastic murals. 18 urban artworks corresponding to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals plus one by Lavazza (Goal Zero) designed to amplify and disseminate the United Nations 2030 Agenda more effectively. The artists of three Turin collectives have collaborated for this project: Il Cerchio e le Gocce, Monkeys Evolution and Truly Urban Artists. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Poland / StreetartPhotographer and passionate streetart hunter Agnieszka Pisarska continuously delivers fantastic works of urban art on her Instagram channel Piece of Streetart, not only from her hometown of Wrocław, but from all over Poland. There are now more than 1500 photos in her archive, it’s worth taking a look! The eager art lover is constantly on the move and, according to her own words, does “always many things at once.” And when a lot is done, a lot of interesting things are created. Here on the Vagabundler platform, Angnieszka not only works on the Streetart Map Wrocław, but also contributes galleries to many Polish cities and countless photos for the maps of Gdańsk, Łódź and Warsaw. She has several other platforms and accounts about architecture and nature, does interesting collages and designs fabulous selfmade puppets. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Culturists / KyrgyzstanWe want to present you a new and interessting radio projekt of the Kloop Media Foundation in Kyrgyzstan which you should support. Ilona Pfeffer started with a lot of effort to built up a new online radio which went on air in 2014: Kloop Radio. Meanwhile the radio has about 60.000 listeners monthly and has a 24/7 programm. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Cyprus / HistoryThe House of Hadjigeorgakis Kornesisois is located at Patriarchou Grigoriou 20 near the Archbishopric in the neighbourhood of Saint Antonios. It was the area where the rich Greek used to live and the mansion is the most important example of urban architecture of the last century of Ottoman rule that survived in old Nicosia. It is quite interesting and worth a visit, the entrance is free. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Culturists / Events / Music / SpainHow a good party should be: Good parties have to be badly organized, the guests should have to pay a lot for entrance, the DJs should get put on a podium for glory and there they should play a lot of same-sounding crap music over and over again. A drink should be at minimum 10 Euros and at least have some ingredients from the next street, toilet water and other indefinite moistures in it, and of course before serving it should get put in very high quality bottles with nice labels. But in the end it´s not about the drinks. It´s about the cool and high expensive and hipster outfit. And the fucking shoes…. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Events / Germany / StreetartOn March 8th, the International Women’s Day, the great EQUAL JAM 2022 took place on the walls of the North Side Gallery. Over 85 local urban artists painted, pinned, glued and sprayed on the subject of equality and designed a huge and unique open-air gallery for Berlin. As well the new paste up art wall got inaugurated with numerous fantastic artworks. Check out the huge archive with the awesome creations from the event. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
GermanyThe hip-hop cultural center COMBO at Haid-und-Neu-Straße 165 in the Hagsfeld district was founded in April 2005 by the mobile youth work of the city of Karlsruhe together with the FARBSCHALL association aka TEAM COMBO. Since then, the place has been a focal point for graffiti, hip hop and breakdancing and hosts a constantly changing outdoor gallery with awesome urban art. The basic idea is to give young people the opportunity to develop their creativity and this also includes passing on knowledge to future generations. Each one teach one! >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Germany / StreetartOnce the old Reemtsma cigarette factory was an interesting lost place where you could find a large number of great urban artworks. Especially in 2018 the graffiti jam HARTER TOBAK took place on the property and many local and international artists conjured up great pieces on the walls. The building complex has been demolished meanwhile and the old factory has disappeared entirely. But the photos remain of course and you can still admire them in our archive! >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Italy / StreetartThe great murals, canvas paintings and drawings of the Italian artist NICK NEIM can be recognized by female characters with unmistakable large eyes. His murals are scattered around the globe in urban areas, but can also be found on many unique products from well-known brands or even be seen in films. Together with Marco Cominini aka MYSTIC MARK and Claudio Cretti aka ILCLOD he forms the fantastic crew ART OF SOOL. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Architecture / Photography / USAThe artist and photographer CHARLES SAMUEL WAIT is not only represented on our website as a painter with an interview, he has also contributed many articles on graffiti and urban art from the United States. As well he is a passionate photographer and has a preference for street photography and urban life, often industrial landscapes, construction sites or interesting architecture, but also just simple motifs or everyday objects. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Ireland / StreetartAcross the whole city of Dublin, you can always find the usual electrical boxes on street corners, as you know them from any other city. But here do quite a lot of these otherwise rather ugly boxes seem colorful and creative, invite you to have a closer look at them and are a piece of innovative urban art by creative people from the city and community. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Events / Germany / StreetartFrom October 16th till November 11th in 2023, the great urban art exhibition KUNSTTAGE took place in the Marktplatzcenter in Berlin’s Hellersdorf district. “Kunsttage” means “Art Days” in English. The event was organized by STEREOHEAT and SKENAR 73 together with the art agency FRAMELESS STUDIO. The location is a mall with many different stores, but there are currently a lot of empty spaces. For this project numerous artists have painted fantastic colorful pieces on the walls. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Architecture / Argentina / HistoryA walk through the streets of Victoria in the historic quarter is like walking through a museum. It is one of the best preserved urban-architectural ensembles and so far the only one in the province with a declaration in this category. The big colonial Spanish houses were constructed by the basque country immigrants. Its tourist attraction is to be in its unique architecture, characterized with an eclectic style between Italian and French buildings from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Design / Sri LankaThe buses and large vehicles for public transportation in Sri Lanka look more or less similar as in other countries in terms of size and construction, but the exterior design is simply unique. Most countries tend to use conservative designs for their public transport buses, like single-colored vehicles with a discreet logo. Things are completely different in Sri Lanka, where the buses are awesome true works of art. Those mostly Indian Ashok Leyland are colorfully upgraded and shine bright in every corner, not only on the outside but also on the inside. The more color, the better. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Cyprus / StreetartThe large parking garage at Archibishop Makarios III Street number 15 near the Ayia Napa city center has served as a spray-painting site for many years and is home to some great graffiti. Especially during the many events of the Ayia Napa Street Art Festival, interesting works of art have been created here time and again. On September 9th in 2023, part of the building was inaugurated by the municipality as the “House of Youth and Cultural Ensembles” and has since officially been a meeting place for creative projects with children and young people. >>> READ MORE   [...] Read more...
Architecture / MaltaValletta or La Valleta is the capital of the island nation and Republic of Malta. According to the area and the number of inhabitants, the city is the smallest capital of the states of the European Union. Due to its cultural wealth, Valletta was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980 as an overall monument. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...
Germany / StreetartFrom 2nd till 26th of June in Berlin around the Tauentzien Street the fantastic ALL WE WROTE open air exhibition took place with awesome urban artworks by 36 artists from five countries. You could travel through 50 years of graffiti culture while visiting Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, New York and São Paolo in one journey! With 1200 meters the huge gallery was the longest graffiti expo worldwide! The event was supported by URBAN CONTEMPORARY, CANION and BLVD KU’DAMM. >>> READ MORE [...] Read more...


Many more awesome urban art loving photographers, documentors, creatives and Vagabundlers joined, we have every day heaps of new articles and photos. Still non-profit, still non-commercial, just because we like to do it. All the people involved in this project are listed on our Vagabundler Collective Map

Frank Hofmann is working on the enourmous Hamburg Streetart Map with meanwhile 1200 spots and more than 8000 photos!

Salvador Seda (GraffiPreBicentenario) from Chile joined and keeps on creating the Streetart Map of Angol and the Santiago Map

Patrice Loranger (PLoranger4417) from Canada joined and is building up the Streetart Map of Montreal.

Holger Peter (PeterEatAndArt) from Berlin joined and is building up the Streetart Map of Berlin with extensive infos about the artists and meanwhile with over 8900 pages and more than 74.000 photos. He is also doing the map for Rheine and the Island Poel

Analiá Pertusi aka Perts Jam joined and is building up a fantastic archive for the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires and as well for the Chascomus Map.

World traveller Mazzanti from Sweden contributes great photos for the Stockholm Map and for numerous places from all around the world.

Bart Hagel aka Street Art Damsko and Killer Leentje contribute awesome material for the Amsterdam Map.

Gail Lochner from Ecuador joined and is building up the map of Cuenca with fantastic artworks.

Agnieszka Pisarska (Piece of Streetart) contributes great galleries of cities in Poland and is building up the Streetart Map of Wrocław!

The Nomads on Wheels are travelling around the world in their van and sending awesome photos. Meanwhile we have great collections from 72 places.

Fiona Lu (City.Features) from Canada joined and is building up the Streetart Map of Vancouver.

Caley Costley (BobBleu) from California, USA joined and is building up the Streetart Map of Los Angeles.

Matthias Busch  joined and is building up the Streetart Map of Austin in Texas, USA.

Luigi Savoia from Italy joined and is building up the Streetart Map of Turin.

Milau Lutumba (Delutu) from France joined and is building up the Streetart Map of Paris

Julien Canadas from France joined and contributes great photos and also videos for the Toulouse Map.

Natalie Pomeroy aka Street Art Wombler is part of the team and contributes awesome material from Australia and especially Melbourne.

Mike Hennessey aka See Some Streetart joines our collective and works on the map for Almaty in Kazakhstan.

Irxnschmoiz is  our city ambassador for the Hannover map and contributes continously new material. He also takes photos from other interesting places in Germany.

Frankfurt Map reached 2000 spots and offers more than 27.000 photos to explore! As well there are lots of new updates to several places.

The Map

The worldmap with all the locations where we collected streetart and graffiti or did interesting interviews. Click on the colored fields and check out the content of each country. For several places it goes even into an additional level deeper and there are city maps. Besides urban art you will also find many articles about helpful projects, unique architecture and beautiful nature. Just the good things!




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New Reportages

GERMANY: Streetart Berlin – Urban Nation Museum – Bülow Street Festival – Love Letters to the City

From September 13th to September 15th in 2024, the great BÜLOW STREET FESTIVAL took place along Bülowstrasse and around the URBAN NATION headquarters and museum. The entire façade was redesigned with fresh colors by the New York artist LADY PINK, and guests could also admire a colorful and extensive exhibition with “floating murals” on temporarily …

SERBIA: Belgrade Fantasy Land – Tandara Mandara Festival – Comics, Animes, Mangas, Gaming & Cosplay

From August 31st to September 1st in 2024, the fantastic TANDARA MANDARA FESTIVAL took place around the Belgrade Art Pavilion “Cvijeta Zuzorić” in Kalemegdan Park with its third edition and comic lovers, anime fans, cosplayers and gamers encountered a colorful oasis of fantasy and fiction. In addition to booths from publishing houses, illustrators and comic …

ESTONIA: Tallinn Graffiti Jam – Telliskivi Loomelinnak – Balta Legal Wall – BALTIC SESSION

From 2007 till 2016 the dance and culture association JJ STREET organized the great urban art jam BALTIC SESSION where besides the dance competition also numerous graffiti artists decorated a large backyard and the adjacent warehouses on the premises of the Telliskivi Loomelinnak. This open wall was called “Balta Legal”, but unfortunately in April 2020 …