VENEZUELA: Caracas – City Report

Caracas or officially Santiago de León de Caracas is the capital and with 2.1 million inhabitants the largest city in Venezuela. It is considered the cultural and economic center of the country, in the metropolitan area around the city live almost as many people. At the last count in 2015, the entire agglomeration of Caracas comprised 4.2 million inhabitants. However, the conditions in the metropolis are catastrophic, there is great poverty and high crime. The Foreign Office declares almost the entire city as „Zona Roja“, ie as a red zone, a no-go area. In a ranking of cities for their quality of life Caracas in 2018 ranked 193rd out of 231 cities surveyed worldwide.


>>> Caracas – City Reportage <<<

>>> Streetart Venezuela <<<

>>> Choroní and Henri Pittier <<<

>>> Castillo San Carlos de la Barra <<<

>>> Mérida – Adventurous Sports <<<

>>> Coro and Médanos Nationalpark <<<

>>> Barquisimeto – Nueva Segovia <<<

>>> Puerto Colombia and Chuao <<<

>>> Maracaibo and its Lago <<<

>>> Isla de Toas and Swimming Villages <<<

>>> Mérida – City Reportage <<<

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>>> Arte Venezolano <<<