BELGIUM: Banksy Exhibition in Antwerp – Thought provoking Stencil Art

Thanks a lot for the contribution of the awesome photo material and nicely written article by Frank Hofmann – This gallery here is only about the exhibition, read as well the whole article about Antwerp here.

He is probably the artist of the moment in the stencil sector and by doing freak out art at random suprising places which is just making you think about issues and art also. And this went worldwide and the guy is keep on doing. Very nice!. Even in Corona times, he shoots really good stuff! Everyone knows him, but they don’t know him. Confusing, isn’t it? Such a short drumroll. None other than „BANKSY“. There was a great exhibition about his atworks in Antwerp at the same time while we have been around and we actually really found it! That was worth two Brouwer’s beers in a row! We just saw it by accident, it is cool, but we don´t have time to do it later, so means we have to do it now! It was defilitely worth it!

I’m celebrating the „company“ behind „BANKSY“ or the artist collective, the artist him-her-itself, whatever. Probably because no one knows who or what it really is. This has charm. „BANKSY“ stands for political, critical streetart and practice of visual cultural and social criticism. Just awesome! It encourages reflections and is questioning the current conditions, it makes you think about the alienates and the saddens, as well it brings joy and actually unwinds the entire emotional program in pictures. Very hard toboggan, but that’s my thing. So in to the exhibition and off to it. Here are some beautiful works from the gallery. The quality is not the best, but the message is clear. Enjoy!

  Art by Banksy:




 Author & Photographer: Frank Hofmann


>>> Streetart Brussels <<<

>>> Antwerp Visit <<<

>>> Banksy Exhibition <<<

>>> Streetart Doel <<<