BULGARIA: Streetart Tyulenovo – Graffiti and Urban Art Collection

From Tyulenovo we have some cool graffiti tanks, these are some first photos from Tyulenovo, maybe there will be more coming over time. But the abandoned large metal containers with spray can art somewhere in the middle of nowhere are already pretty cool. If you also have photos of your own from this place, feel free to send them to info@vagabundler.com. These great photos in the following were taken by the world explorers Thomas Adventurer and Diana Beekvelt, also known as NOMADS ON WHEELS. They have been traveling around Europe with their van at that time. The two are continously travelling the world with a strong committment to nature and environmental protection, which they try to get more attention to in their postings. They inform about interesting places and they clean up those locations. That’s how you should visit a place! And they document all of these actions on their homepage, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube to show the beautiful countries and at the same time to motivate to be active for environmental issues. It’s definitely worth taking a look!


Website: https://nomadsonwheels.eu

Website: https://dianabeekvelt.smugmug.com/Portfolio-Diana-Beekvelt

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nomadsonwheels.eu

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomadsonwheelseu

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thomasadventurer

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnGhswkJ_SVmG3pg7DNlgmw

Main Page – NOMADS ON WHEELS:  https://vagabundler.com/culturists/nomads-on-wheels


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>>> Sofia Tours Co-Founder Kristian Mitov <<<

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