How does the map work? All the buttons on the map are links to an article or a gallery of that spot or to an event wich happened at that spot. Sometimes it is located with only a few special photos, sometimes with heaps of pics or even with a full article with videos and audio podcasts. The different symbols explain various categories of the streetart and graffiti artworks. In the navigation of the map on the left you can find the several markers sorted by the categories and it´s possible to hide or fade these layers. It was not that easy to find a way how to categorize here in Thessaloniki. Streetart, Wallpainting and Graffiti is just everywhere. If I would try to mark every single one, the whole map would be only red and filled with markers. Makes no sense and is not helpful. Still… it is there, and how to document it? I had the idea about sectors or areas, that´s what I did then. Have a look, give me feedback or ideas for improvement. Here are as well the meaning of the markers.
///work in progress/